Where are IST students completing their internships?

Where are IST students completing their internships?

Displaying 4801 - 4825 of 5225
Company Name Position Title Major Option Job Description State Industry Type Sem & Yr
PPG Industries SRA IAM Service Analyst, IT Help desk for clients IT Specialties Summer 2018
Cytokinetics IST ISDEV I will be working as an informatics intern, doing data analysis on chemical data that they present me, and also will possibly be using R and Python to learn do utilize machine learning to analyze data. I will be tasked with multiple projects, and will also be configuring new or current systems, and writing scripts to ultimately help the biotech scientists solve possible problems. Other Summer 2018
American Electric Power SRA ICS Monitor network traffic against possible malware or intrusions Energy & Utilities Summer 2018
Credit Suisse SRA ICS Work with the Cyber Security team on operations side. Complete 3 projects Financial Markets & Banking Services Summer 2018
MEDNAX Services, Inc. IST Managing a team of software developers into producing quality clinical and business applications to improve operational efficiency. Included in these efforts are design and brainstorming sessions, customer interactions, and ensuring successful and timely roll-outs. Medical/Healthcare Institutions/R&D Summer 2018
College of Information Science and Technology SRA Cyber security risk analysis of information as well as big data analysis to make analysis and come up with results. Other Summer 2018
Self Analysis Research Lab (IST) IST ITINT Development, writing scholarly articles, modeling, general research Other Summer 2018
Federated Investors Incorporated SRA IAM Conduct analysis of incoming alerts from the internal SIEM console. Assist in deployment of Single Sign On, Federation solution for clients. Generate and analyze reports. Conduct research on security related items and topics. Financial Markets & Banking Services Summer 2018
First American IST ITINT IT Service Desk, Problem resolution, Support with Company software, Microsoft Office Products, Windows 7, Windows 10, Internet Explorer 11 and Google Chrome, Other Summer 2018
TrophyTracks IST ISDEV Design and build mobile application IT Specialties Summer 2018
Lawrence County District Attourney's Office SRA ICS Cybersecurity work, said that more would be explained during my orientation. Government Summer 2018
F5Networks Japan G.K. SRA ICS Senior Region Quality Manager. Analyze L4-L7 switch/security product technical issues and implement resolution for trending issues IT Specialties Summer 2018
K&L Gates LLP SRA Security Intern Objectives (as provided by K&L Gates)
• Familiarize intern with the structure and functions of an IT department in the private sector
• Introduce basic concepts of physical and cybersecurity and cross functional team collaboration
• Review fundamentals of business continuity/disaster recovery
• Learn the fundamentals of threat modeling and intelligence research and analysis
Other Summer 2018
Kodak Alaris IST ITINT I will be working with the Security Department on various projects. I will be given tasks daily to complete. IT Specialties Summer 2018
Office of Physical Plant IST ITINT I will be part of a project to pilot the use of Dyson hand dryers and evaluate the impact on paper towel waste. My position will be that of a project management intern. Energy & Utilities Summer 2018
Techworks Consulting Inc. IST ISDEV Assisting on projects of setting up and maintaining IT software and hardware as well as assisting in solving IT related issues for customers. Consulting Summer 2018
Award Self Storage SRA IAM I will be responsible for database management, property security, and corporate risk analysis. In addition to my daily responsibilities, I will be assigned a security project from the Owner, who will expect weekly deliverables and will culminate with a presentation of findings. Other Summer 2018
Inspur IST ISDEV I will be engaged in software development at their Development Center. IT Specialties Summer 2018
Washington/Baltimore High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas SRA IAM Assist analysts and participate in some steps of the intelligence cycle, to include collecting, processing, collating, analyzing, and producing intelligence to help attain the mission of the W/B HIDTA. Government Summer 2018
Department of Defense IST For my summer training I will be shadowing enlisted and commissioned officer personnel in various Naval occupations such as IT, engineering, and nuclear reactor operating. During this shadowing I will receive basic training on how to operate these systems. I will be on a variety of platforms from Nuclear Submarines to surface ships. Government Summer 2018
Hi Neighbor IST The Hi Neighbor community newspaper wants to overhaul their in-house software solution for managing and maintaining ad insertion orders for their weekly published community newspaper. Right now their entire system is paper based. They would like a solution that works on both Windows desktop computers and android tablets. They have a particular interest in Microsoft products if possible. Most of the internship would be spent analyzing SaaS/PaaS options, gathering requirements for this new system, mapping out their current business processes, and developing and releasing a new system. They have also expressed interest in integrating parts of their social media marketing if possible and the development of a hi neighbor app for release on both google and apple. There would be some minor web work involved as well. Media & Entertainment Summer 2018
PPG Industries, Inc IST I will be working at PPG as an IT intern, where I will work on IT projects that would provide exposure to various career options in my discipline. Other Summer 2018
D&H Distrubiting SRA Perform Data mining and data organization using database management systems. Assist with company IT help desk to solve other employee's and customers technical problems with company software and other programs. Shadow the company's Security team. IT Specialties Summer 2018
University of Massachusetts Medical Center - IT Department SRA I will be working under the Chief Information Security Officer at the medical center, assisting in security operations for the electronic medical record system. Medical/Healthcare Institutions/R&D Summer 2018
Pennsylvania Army National Guard - D CO, 103 ENG BN SRA IAM I provide Army personnel with critical information about enemy forces, potential battle areas, and combat operations support.

Job Responsibilities
-Produce intelligence by analyzing images, fixed/moving targets and geospatial data
-Identify military installations, facilities, weapon systems, military equipment and defenses
-Determine the location and dimensions of objects
-Conduct Battle Damage Assessment
Aerospace & Defense Summer 2018